News |
artificial intelligence, Video Understanding, News |
News Clip, News |
cybersecurity, Graduate Seminar |
stochastic differential equations |
artificial intelligence, machine learning, PhD Dissertation Defense |
Additive Schwarz methods, convex optimization, Public Colloquium |
embedded systems, energy harvesting, multiphase meters, oil and gas sensors, oil industry, PhD Dissertation Defense |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
healthcare, personalized medicine |
Computer Vision, machine learning, optimization |
Computer Vision, ICVSS, Italy, Summer School, News |
Evolutionary Algorithm, Parallel and Distributed Computing |
Dead Sea Jordan, Phi's Research and Innovation Summit, News |
Deep learning, EECVC, optimization, News |
optical waveguides |
News |
data integration, Information retrieval, Real Time Text Analytics, Semantic web, text mining |
machine learning, optimization, probability theory |
development of bio-inspired hardware, Neuromorphic Engineering, Online learning, processing applications, spiking neural networks |
III-nitride nanowires, molecular beam epitaxy, optoelectronic device fabrication |
News |
III-nitride nanowires, News |
energy harvesting, inkjet printing, Rectennas |
News |
Front Page |
cybersecurity, deep learning, GaN, Generative Adversarial Networks, Internship, machine learning, penetration testing, threat modeling |
Graduate Seminar |
In-memory computing, Graduate Seminar |
consumer electronics, IoT, magnetic sensors, PhD Dissertation Defense |
Biosensors, News |
Front Page |
Research |
INLA, statistics, xstat research highlights, News |
advanced semiconductors, Graduate Seminar |
Research |
Circuit, computation, design, Digital, Low, Microelectromechanical, Power, Sensing, Graduate Seminar |
Conference |
Front Page |
algorithms, uncertainty quantification, Workshop |
algorithms, uncertainty quantification, Workshop |
Workshop |
Seminar |
design, Intelligence, Neural, System, Visual, Graduate Seminar |
optimization, urban planning, News |
biomedical electronics, microwave sensors |
Front Page |
Conference |
Aerospace, KAUST, research, Systems, Graduate Seminar |
applied mathematics, patterns, News |
flexible electronics, IoT devices, sensor systems, stretchable electronics |
Partial Differential Equations, University of Oxford, Seminar |
Course |
Course |
Course |
numerical analysis |
wireless mesh networks |
wireless sensor networks |
Statistical modeling for wireless networks, Stochastic geometry and point process |
Laser Diodes, LED |
News |
electrical engineering, power systems, resiliency |
Cooperative relay network, Green communications, lattice coding, lattice decoding, MIMO |
Green communications, optical networks |
Computer Vision, Deep generative models, machine learning |
Computer architecture, Fault-Tolerant Computing |
bioinformatics |
communication, Computational biology, Semi-blind Channel and Data Recovery in OFDM, statistical signal processing |
artificial intelligence, big data, machine learning, MIT |
magnetics, microfabrication, microfluidics, nanowires, sensors |
microfluidics, nano-engineering, nanowires, wearable sensors, Spotlight, News |
Cross-layer protocol design, Energy-efficient wireless multihop networks, Performance analysis, Stochastic Geometry |
MEMS, photonics, solar cells |
Conference |
Broadcast and Multicast Networks, cloud-radio access networks, Cooperative communications, machine learning, network coding, non-convex methods, optimization |
algorithms, artificial intelligence, data integration |
embedded systems, low power digital circuit, mobile systems, Signal processing, Wireless Communications |
satellite communication, source and channel coding, Sparse signal processing |
algorithms, communications, electronics, machine learning |
Digital signal processing, Next generation wireless communications |
artificial intelligence, Generative AI and LLMs, Medical Technology |
computer networks, machine learning, traffic engineering |
Biomedical Engineering, communication, non-orthogonal multiple access, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces, Signal Applications, Signal processing, Terahertz communications |
antenna arrays, sensors |
energy storage, hydrogen energy, renewable energy, Water Desalination and Reuse |
Computer Vision, Deep learning |
Cognitive radio network, Cooperative communications, energy harvesting |