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3D design
10th birthday wish for Nanoscribe from Andrea: A creative 3D design
1 min read ·
Wed, Jan 31 2018
3D design
The 3D design of this art was created in a virtual reality environment with Google’s Tilt Brush and Blocks apps. This is a very unique birthday wish coming from Nanoscribe customer using Nanoscribe's system!
Florian Rist
Research Scientist,
Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences
architectural geometry
applied geometry
3D design
Florian Rist is a Research Scientist at the Visual Computing Center (VCC) working with Professor Helmut Pottmann at KAUST. He is a founding member of the Center for Geometry and Computational Design at TU Vienna and currently holds a double affiliation as a research scientist at the Visual Computer Center at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology and as a senior scientist at the Institute of Arts and Design at TU Vienna. He studied at TU Munich and the University of Technology Tokyo and is a licensed architect and member of the Chamber of Architects in Bavaria, Germany. Before