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aerospace information systems
Eric Feron's world: A short introduction
Eric Feron, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Nov 14, 12:00
B3 L5 R5209
aerospace information systems
aerospace software engineering
Lyapunov functions
Over the past 30 years, my research has focused on problems involving aerospace information systems, give or take a couple of exceptions - I also seem to like things with wheels-. In the talk, I will introduce and discuss a few research topics that, I believe, best describe the kind of research I like to perform. The topics will include things as diverse as drones, airports, and the hunt for Lyapunov functions. I will also introduce an educational initiative focusing on systematically restoring "the sense of touch" in all Engineering disciplines, and which I would like to experiment with as part of the courses I will be in charge of at KAUST.