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Feedback system design
Feedback system design for tuning cooperative behavior in multi-agent games
Shinkyu Park, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Apr 24, 12:00
B9 L2 R2322 H1
Feedback system design
In social dilemmas, a class of multi-agent games, agents' rationality-based strategic interactions to learn a payoff-maximizing strategy would result in diminishing returns. Such games include the prisoner's dilemma and public goods game where individually rational decision making reults in all decision-making agents receiving smallest rewards. In this presentation, I will explain a new decision-making model that elicits cooperative behavior in social dilemmas. The model enables the social interaction (reciprocity) between agents in their decision making, which allows cooperative behavior to emerge. We discuss how methods for feedback system design and analysis can be applied to explain the emergence of cooperative behavior and how we can tune such behavior.