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Research Output
Models Formation
Consensus formation models with delay
Jan Haskovec, AMCS, KAUST
Oct 1, 12:00
Models Formation
Individual-based models of collective behavior represent a very active research field with applications in physics (spontaneous magnetization), biology (flocking and swarming) and social sciences (opinion formation). They are also a hot topic engineering (swarm robotics). A particularly interesting aspect of the dynamics of multi-agent systems is the emergence of global self-organized patterns, while individuals typically interact only on short scales. In this talk I shall discuss the impact of delay on asymptotic consensus formation in Hegselmann-Krause-type models, where agents adapt their „opinions“ (in broad sense) to the ones of their close neighbors. We shall understand the two principial types/sources of delay - information propagation and processing - and explain their qualitatively different impacts on the consensus dynamics. We then discuss various mathematical methods that provide asymptotic consensus results in the respective settings: Lyapunov functional-type approach, direct estimates, convexity arguments and forward-backward estimates.