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nested radio frequency
A Dual-Mode Nested Rectifier for Ambient Wireless Powering in CMOS Technology
1 min read ·
Tue, Feb 11 2020
nested radio frequency
wireless powering
Abdullah Almansouri, et al., "A Dual-Mode Nested Rectifier for Ambient Wireless Powering in CMOS Technology." IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 68 (5) , 2020, 1754. This article proposes (DM) nested radio frequency (RF) rectifier for ambient wireless powering. The proposed architecture utilizes a DM nested feedback circuit to enhance the conductivity of the rectifier at low power while reducing the reverse leakage current at high power by generating supply voltages at the gates of the pMOS rectifying transistors. The proposed rectifier is fabricated in a 65-nm CMOS