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Neuromorphic Circuits
Meet KAUST Prospective Student: Olga Krestinskaya
1 min read ·
Thu, Jul 2 2020
Neuromorphic Circuits
Olga Krestinskaya, from Kazakhstan, obtained her master’s and bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and electronics from Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan. She is the recipient of the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) society pre-doctoral award in 2019 and will join KAUST in the fall of 2020 as a Ph.D. candidate in the KAUST Sensors Lab under the supervision of Professor Khaled Nabil Salama.
Olga Krestinskaya
Ph.D. Student,
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Neuromorphic Circuits
Systems Neural Network Architectures
Olga Krestinskaya is a PhD student at the Sensors Lab, in the Electrical Engineering Department, CEMSE, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Olga`s research is focusing on reconfigurable neural network implementation on CMOS-memristive hardware. Research Interests Olga`s research area is neuromorphic and brain-inspired algorithms, circuits, and architectures. In particular, she is interested in memristor-based architectures for neural networks and neuro-inspired systems. Currently, Olga is focusing on analog circuit-level implementations of reconfigurable memristive