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2022 SRSI Students at RISC Lab
1 min read ·
Tue, Aug 23 2022
#RISCLab, #SRSI During this past summer, our team from the RISC Lab took part in the annual program organized by the Saudi Research Science Institute. We welcomed three highly motivated Saudi high-school students, who engaged in the six-week intensive core research program. The research projects were under the supervision of RISC Lab faculty: Prof. Eric Feron and Prof. Shinkyu Park . Each student was assigned a mentor guiding them in the laboratory work and discussion of project details. Projects: - "Alleviating the Effect of a Broken Pulley on a 3D Printer" by Bandar AlBraheem mentored by
SRSI Students mentored at RISC Lab win Grand and Special Awards in the 2023 National Olympiad for Scientific Creativity (Ibdaa)
1 min read ·
Sun, Feb 12 2023
Following the SRSI program from last August, the RISC Lab welcomed the two SRSI Students back, Maria Qumsani and Bandar AlBraheem, for a one-week internship under the supervision of the RISC Lab faculty: Prof. Eric Feron. The students continued developing their projects to prepare for the National Olympiad for Scientific Creativity ( Ibdaa), which honors 40 Saudi high school students. We are glad to announce that Maria Qumsani and Bandar AlBraheem were two of the 40 Grand Award winners of the competition held from February 1st through 4th at KFUPM, Dhahran campus. The obtained awards are as