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Research Output
tuning chemistry of electronic ink
Mohammad Vaseem
Research Scientist,
Integrated Microwaves Packaging Antennas and Circuits Technology
tuning chemistry of electronic ink
inkjet printed devices
Dr. Mohammad Vaseem is a Research Scientist and Lab Manager in the Integrated Microwaves Packaging Antennas and Circuits Technology (IMPACT) Research Group at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) led by Professor Atif Shamim. Research Interests Mohammad's research interests include Tuning Ink chemistry/Ink-formulation based on metal, metal oxide and dielectric materials, Inkjet-Printed devices supported on paper and plastic electronics, Printed transistors, conductors, RFID, and sensors. Book Chapters: • M. Vaseem, Ahmad Umar and Yoon-Bong Hahn, “Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles