5G networks, cybersecurity, hardware security, machine learning, Workshop |
random process, transportation networks, Public Colloquium |
Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
News |
Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
visual computing, Public Colloquium |
News |
5G and beyond, electromagnetic waves, Graduate Seminar |
artificial intelligence, machine learning, Conference |
Graduate Seminar |
connectivity, IoT, News |
advanced semiconductors, Seminar |
computer networking and systems, IoT, participatory sensing |
Statistics of extremes |
cyber-physical systems, game theory, machine learning |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
cloud storage, End-to-Same-End-Encryption, Seminar |
numerical methods, Seminar |
Adaptive filtering, energy storage, ISL Highlighted Publications, News |
Front Page |
Computer simulations, Harvesting heat, Thermal gradient, News |
Graduate Seminar |
energy flexibility, Manufacturing optimization, renewable energy integration, Graduate Seminar |
News |
energy conservation, energy stability, numerical discretization, Runge-Kutta methods, Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
neuromorphic computing, PhD Dissertation Defense |
SWIPT, Seminar |
RobotoKAUST, Conference |
bioelectronics, Implantable devices, organic electrochemical transistors, soft conducting polymers, Graduate Seminar |
bioelectronics, Graduate Seminar |
Seminar |
News |
Circuits, terahertz radiation, News |
Graduate Seminar |
applied mathematics, computational science, genes, genomics, News |
RobotoKAUST, Conference |
Spotlight, News |
Jan 13, 16:00 - 17:00, Enriching Your CV, Expanding Networks, and Building a Reputation (B1, L3, R3119, Zoom link), Majid Hassanizadeh, Senior Professor, Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science (SIMTECH), Stuttgart University, Germany
Graduate Seminar |
Seminar |
entrepreneurship, Market, marketing, Graduate Seminar |
Conference |
Front Page |
Workshop |
News |
optimal control, optimal control theory, Graduate Seminar |
bioscience, brain science, statistics, News |
Graduate Seminar |
statistics |
aerospace software system, control systems, optimization, robotics |
aerospace information systems, aerospace software engineering, drones, Lyapunov functions, Seminar |
News |
autonomous vehicles, cyber-physical systems, cybersecurity, IoT |
numerical analysis, uncertainty quantification |
News |
optical computing |
Seminar |
Affective Captioning, artificial intelligence, machine learning |
biomedical electronics, energy harvesting |
cloud computing, mobile computing |
High Resolution X-ray Diffraction, spatial modulation, Graduate Seminar |
Red Sea, Spatial extremes, statistics, News |
DLMC, DLMCIS, optimization, Graduate Seminar |
Distributed Robot Systems, Localization, Marine Robotics, Networked Robots, Optimization and Optimal Control, Conference |
algorithms, Estimation problems, Fractional differential equations, Partial Differential Equations, real applications, Simulations, Graduate Seminar |
Fractional differential equation, Partial Differential Equations, Graduate Seminar |
News |
News |
computer graphics, machine learning, Scientific Visualization |
Circuits, framework, K-Best sphere decoders, News |
markov chains, numerical analysis, uncertainty quantification |
News |
News |
embedded systems, modeling, SCSA, sensors |
Newsletter, Upcoming Events |
PhD student, scientific research, Graduate Seminar |
EPFL, large-scale graph, optimization, Graduate Seminar |
Evolutionary science, nonlinear orthography, Graduate Seminar |
Backstepping, Lyapunov Theory, non-linear feedback, TU Ilmenau, Seminar |
Seminar |
Adaptive modeling, Graduate Seminar |
LSG, Plastic, pollution, sensors, Water, News |
artificial intelligence, Data Analytics, digital health, News |
Course |
Course |
Course |
Seminar |
Lecture |