Seminar |
genome, plasmodial infections, Seminar |
Seminar |
bioinformatics, cancer, Drug Combinations, drug effects, machine learning, Seminar |
semantic technologies, text mining, Seminar |
bioinformatics, data integration, human health, knowledge graphs, machine learning, Seminar |
bioinformatics, machine learning, structural biology, systems biology, Seminar |
bioinformatics, cancer, machine learning, Ontologies, text mining, Seminar |
data analysis, machine learning, Seminar |
artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, genomics, machine learning, Seminar |
artificial intelligence, biology, biomedicine, data integration, knowledge discovery, protein function prediction, Seminar |
bioinformatics, biology, biomedicine, Ontologies, Seminar |
RobotoKAUST, Conference |
Conference |
algebraic flux correction, flux-corrected transport, hyperbolic problems, stabilization techniques, Seminar |
Seminar |
Seminar |
linear guassian model, Numerical Optimization, university of pittsburgh, Tutorial |
artificial intelligence, machine learning, Tutorial |
mathematical modelling, Water wave propagation, Seminar |
linear algebra, Programming language, Workshop |
Seminar |
Lecture |
Graduate Seminar |
Computer Vision, robotics, Seminar |
Assistive Technology, Egocentric Camera, RobotoKAUST, Wheelchair, Conference |
Conference |
Conference |
Seminar |
Course |
Course |
numerical analysis, Seminar |
Seminar |
Course |
Course |
Course |
6G, Cellular Networks, telecommunication, Seminar |
distributed systems, operating systems, Seminar |
Kohn-Sham gradient flow, Orthonormality-preserving, Seminar |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
Random Matrix Theory, Ultra-massive MIMO systems, wireless communication systems, PhD Dissertation Defense |
Seminar |
density functional theory, flexible nanodevices, flexible solar cells, nanomaterials, thin films, PhD Dissertation Defense |
Conference |
Graduate Seminar |
artificial intelligence, Bayesian modeling, machine learning, Skoltech, Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
Masterclass |
Seminar |
Bayesian computational statistics, PhD Dissertation Defense |
approximation, deep neural networks, Sobolev Spaces, Seminar |
Course |
Course |
Course |
Course |
Course |
Course |
Seminar |
Arabic natural language processing, Seminar |
adaptive methods, High-order FEM, Public Colloquium |
Public Colloquium |
Computer architecture, Seminar |
Conference |
algorithms, Ariadne, safe autonomy, unproven, Graduate Seminar |
Conference |
Graduate Seminar |
Conference |
artificial intelligence, Seminar |
artificial intelligence, machine learning, Conference |
resilience, Robustness, Seminar |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
Asymptotic Performance Analysis, compressible flows, Mach, Numbers, numerical methods, Public Colloquium |
Asymptotic Performance Analysis, gamma-convergence, Graduate Seminar |
Bayesian approach to inference, decision sciences, Seminar |
Autonomous Vehicle Navigation, Field Robots, Marine Robotics, Conference |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
artificial intelligence, machine learning, Conference |
acoustic signals, audio event recognition, bioacoustics, Seminar |
Automated and scalable algorithms, Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
artificial intelligence, machine learning, Conference |
Aerial Robotics, Autonomous Vehicle Navigation, Mapping, Marine Robotics, Search and Rescue Robots, Conference |
ASV, Navigation, Observation, Underwater robotics, Conference |
Autonomous Space Robotics, Distributed Space Systems, Flying Robots, Navigation and Control, RobotoKAUST, Conference |
intelligent systems, robotics, Seminar |
artificial intelligence, Deep learning, Seminar |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
Galois, Structures, Lecture |
Seminar |
Seminar |
Conference |
Bayesian computational statistics, Deep learning, Graduate Seminar |
Seminar |
data analysis, statistical analysis, Stochastic Modeling, Seminar |
bayesian analysis, Seminar |