IoT, Sensor array processing, Public Colloquium |
aquaculture, electrical engineering, food security, sensors, News |
location determination technologies, mobile computing, mobile wireless networks, pervasive computing, Seminar |
electrical engineering, electronics, flexible, material science and engineering, News |
electrical engineering, material science, sensors, News |
Front Page |
Seminar |
Monte carlo methods, Seminar |
Seminar |
Electromagnetics and optoelectronics, solar energy |
3D printing, 4D printing, solar cells |
focs, graphene oxide percolated P VDF TrFE CFE, News |
serverless computing, Graduate Seminar |
News |
X-ray crystallography |
artificial intelligence, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, News |
News |
Seminar |
diversity techniques, MIMO fading channels, Next generation wireless communications |
News |
News |
algorithm, machine learning, News |
UV LED, News |
photonics |
artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, Deep learning, machine learning |
supercomputing, News |
discrete optimization, machine learning |
image processing, machine learning, Signal processing |
Analog circuit design, Spintronics devices |
disaster management, Environmental Statistics, statistics, News |
Compressed Sensing Approach, Multi-carrier Systems |
6G, global connectivity, Wireless Communications, wireless networks, News |
Phononic Crystals |
bioscience, Computer science, synthetic biology, News |
computational science, Computer science, learning, News |
Computer Vision, Deep learning, machine learning |
ReLU Neural Network, Sobolev Spaces, Public Colloquium |
Seminar |
machine learning, Next generation wireless communications |
shear bands, News |
electrical engineering, Materials, News |
intelligent oil fields, mechatronic systems, power conversion, smart grids |
News |
bioinformatics, Computational biology, machine learning, protein structure prediction |
Computer Vision, Deep learning, generative models, optimization, swarm intelligence |
electronics, healthcare, IoT, sensors |
News |
data mining, machine learning |
3D printing, in-memory sensing, solar cells |
intelligent systems, robotics |
AIN thin film, News |
bioinformatics, Computational biology |
inkjet printed electronics |
News |
data mining |
Kinetic Theory, Measure Valued Solutions, Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation |
MIMO, mmWave/Terahertz communications, optical wireless communicaitons, spatial modulation |
News |
News |
Biostatistics |
special imaging |
Computer Vision, Long-Form Video Understanding, Temporal Action Detection |
extreme computing |
News |
artificial intelligence assisted communications, Cooperative communications, OFDM with index modulation |
computational thermodynamics, computational transport phenomena, Finite element methods, numerical analysis, numerical oil reservoir simulations |
artificial intelligence, COVID-19, HPC, ML, Conference |
Stochastic PDEs, uncertainty quantification, News |
News |
News |
Smolyak approximation, uncertainty quantification, News |
algorithm, Cryptography, Error Control Code |
biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, signal-transduction |
Cooperative communications, Hardware constrained communications, interference management, solar energy, vehicular monitoring, vehicular tracking |
electrical engineering, signals, News |
Indoor localization, Signal processing, Ultrasonic-based Localization, PhD Dissertation Defense |
applied mathematics, mobile, News |
statistics |
3D understanding, artificial intelligence, Computer Vision, Deep learning, robotics, Sports, start-up, Technology Transfer |
Computer Vision, machine learning, robotics, UAV, PhD Dissertation Defense |
computational imaging, Computational Photography, inverse problems |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
analytical instrumentation, University of Liverpool, University of Oxford |
Analysis of PDE's, biological network and complex systems, Gradient flows, Mathematical modeling, Measure theory, Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation |