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environmental modeling, Environmental Statistics, Geomorphology, landslide susceptibility modeling
Computer Systems Security, drones, Mobile robotics
Continuum Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics
Acoustics, PDE, simulation
bioinformatics, data mining
multimodal model, smart health
Lyapunov equations, Graduate Seminar
nanomaterials, optoelectronics
wireless mesh networks
machine learning, News
Graduate Seminar
artificial intelligence, big data, Computer science, machine learning, News
machine learning, Graduate Seminar
communication systems, machine learning, Seminar
artificial intelligence, machine learning, Conference
artificial intelligence, machine learning, photonics, PhD Dissertation Defense
PhD Dissertation Defense
contextual constraints, Deep learning, machine learning, modeling, popularity bias effect, quality recommendation, recommender systems, PhD Dissertation Defense
algorithms, Computer science, machine learning, News
artificial intelligence, machine learning, Lecture
artificial intelligence, explainable AI framework, machine learning, Seminar
Alternative sources of energy, Cognitive radio network
machine learning, metamaterials, wave propagation
PhD Dissertation Defense
electrical engineering, sensors, News
PhD Dissertation Defense
acoustic noise, acoustic pulses, acoustic signal detection, acoustic signal processing, Biosensors, News
internet of things security
energy efficiency, renewable energy, smart grids
bioinformatics, data mining, Deep learning, machine learning
cognitive radio
cybersecurity, network security
reconfigurable computing
Applications, Graph Theory, Random Matrix Theory, Randomly Projected Regression
on-chip antennas
bioelectronics, Implantable devices, Rectifiers, RFICs, wireless powering
rf signals, Wireless sensors, News
bioelectronics, Implantable devices, wireless powering, Spotlight, News
quantum computing, supercomputing
Adaptive communication systems, UAV-based communications, Visible light communications
goodness-of-fit tests, multivariate statistics, skewed distributions, Time Series
Robotics and Control, Robotics Communication, Underwater communication
machine learning, structural bioinformatics, synthetic biology
Graph Theory, Parallel and Distributed Computing
Majed Sofiani
Dynamical Systems, Liquid Crystals, non-linear partial differential equations
microfluidics, nanowires, sensors, News
Graduate Seminar
data, neuroscience, News
statistics, Spotlight, Awards, News
Federated learning, Seminar
Acoustics, applied mathematics, computational science, statistics, News
Graduate Seminar
applied mathematics, climatology, statistics, News
COVID-19, multi-scale 3D visualization, SARS-CoV-2 visualization, visual computing, News
electrical engineering, materials science, semiconductors, News
applied mathematics, coding, computational science, gene, genomics, News
electrical engineering, electronics, News
Wireless communication theory
Computer science education, nature-inspired algorithms, Parallel and Distributed Computing
Metasurfaces, Wireless power transfer
Applied Machine Learning, Deep learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Functional Time Series
Computer Vision., IoT, machine learning
compositional, extraction, flow, geothermal, Managing, reservoir, Simulations, Subsurface, Public Colloquium
combustion chemistry, computational simulations, quantum chemistry
fractional order capacitors, Gas Sensors, memristors, nano fabrication and characterization
bayesian inference, markov chains, nonlinearity, Seminar
acoustic waves, magnetization, Graduate Seminar
Schottky barrier diodes, News
discrete maximum principle, flux-corrected transport, transport equation
Kalman filter, Monte Carlo, Multi-index, multilevel, News
deep uv laser, News
Biostatistics, Neuroimaging, Spectral Analysis
cybersecurity, fraud detection, intrusion detection, intrusion tolerance, network security, threat intelligence