artificial intelligence, big data, machine learning, News |
KFUPM, saudi vision 2030, Spotlight, News |
Spotlight, News |
Spotlight, News |
Spotlight, News |
electronics, energy harvesting, nanofabrication technology, News |
Spotlight, News |
computer graphics, immersive analytics, large-scale data visualization, News |
Spotlight, News |
electrical engineering, energy, nanotechnology, Spotlight |
Computer science, News |
uncertainty quantification |
News |
cybersecurity, machine learning |
data integration, high-throughput/NGS data, metabolic modeling |
machine learning, optimization |
visualization |
electronics, nanoenergy, photovoltaics, semiconductors interfaces, Spotlight, News |
Cognitive radio network, Cooperative relay network |
electronics, inkjet printing technologies, nanomaterials, photodetector devices, photovoltaics, semiconductors interfaces, solar cells |
machine learning, Terahertz communications |
Bayesian Statistics, spatio-temporal statistics |
laser, plant phenotyping |
computer graphics, real-time rendering, Scientific Visualization, visualization |
compliant electronics, Implantable devices |
asynchronous algorithms, GPU Computing, High Performance Computing, parallel algorithms, performance modeling |
artificial intelligence, machine learning, Tutorial |
News |
News |
News |
News |
mathematical modelling, Water wave propagation, Seminar |
News |
News |
News |
News |
linear algebra, Programming language, Workshop |
cloud computing, computer networks, distributed systems |
Next generation cellular networks, Wireless Communications |
artificial intelligence, big data, cloud services |
algorithms, artificial intelligence, Computational biology |
algorithm, artificial intelligence, Computational biology, Spotlight, News |
control systems, intelligent systems, machine learning, robotics |
Gaussian processes, spatio-temporal statistics |
applied statistics, Deep learning, machine learning |
electrical engineering |
Cooperative relay network, Performance analysis |
control systems, intelligent systems, RISC, robotics |
KGSP, Poster Competition, News |
wireless sensor networks |
Cognitive radio network, Cooperative relay network, Multi-access relaying, Multi-user scheduling, Wireless communication theory |
networking, Optical Packet Switching |
Low-complexity interference mitigation, Wireless Communications |
Green communications, Visible light communications |
Seminar |
bioinformatics sequence alignment, Circuits, hybrid multiprocessor technique, News |
aerospace software system, control systems, optimization, News |
algorithm, nonlinear ordinary differential equations, Symbolic Computation, News |
Lecture |
Antennas, wearable electronics, News |
Circuits, Izhikevich spiking neuron model, News |
cyber-physical energy systems, cybersecurity, iec61850, substations, News |
Graduate Seminar |
Computer Vision, robotics, Seminar |
Assistive Technology, Egocentric Camera, RobotoKAUST, Wheelchair, Conference |
Conference |
News |
Conference |
Circuits, Flexible and wearable magnetoelectronics, News |
Gas Sensors, Soil moisturecapacitance sensoroptimum irrigation2D materialrapid analysis, News |
Seminar |
Circuits, CMOS, News |
Course |
Course |
numerical analysis, Seminar |
Seminar |
Course |
Course |
Course |
Mathematics and Applications Colloquium |
News |
News |
News |
marine science, News |
mechanical energy, Nanogenerators, sensors, News |
6G, Cellular Networks, telecommunication, Seminar |
distributed systems, operating systems, Seminar |
stretchable RF electronics |
Circuits, FFT, News |
Circuits, foc, MoS2, News |
Kohn-Sham gradient flow, Orthonormality-preserving, Seminar |